Chinese girl xxx

导读 【#Chinese girl xxx#】1、I’m a Chinese girl . My name is Zheng Yi . I am eleven . I have three sisters . I...
【#Chinese girl xxx#】

1、I’m a Chinese girl . My name is Zheng Yi . I am eleven . I have three sisters . I like my sister .

2、I have short hair and small eyes . always wears green . I like singing . So . My friends usually invite me to sing . but I...

3、I‘m a Chinese girl

4、Hello everyone my name is XXX,and my English name is XXX.I’m a Chinese girl .I love China very much.I like doing Chinese Kung Fu.It’s Great.I also like to play chees,I can play it well.At school my favo...

5、i am a chinese girl

6、i am a chinese girl .my name is zhang ling .i'm ten years old .i'm a puple .i have four classes in the morning and two classes in the afternoon .i like chinese and english .i'm good at computer .i'm an...

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