日常英语口语交流 日常英语

导读 今天来聊聊关于日常英语口语交流,日常英语的文章,现在就为大家来简单介绍下日常英语口语交流,日常英语,希望对各位小伙伴们有所帮助。1


1、火车站会碰到的情况: Excuse me, is this train to XXX? 这火车是去XXX的吗? I want to get down the bus at the fifth stop, could you please tell me when you arrived? 我想在第五站下车。

2、到第五站的时候你可以告诉我一下吗? Sir, back door please! 乘工交车时, 也许司机会没看到你想从后门下车,而导致不开门, 所以你可以说这句. Can I get a ticket to XXX? 我能买张去XXX的票吗? Can I get a timetable of the train? 我能要张火车时刻表吗? You konw which station is XXX, is this after YYY or before YYY? 你知道哪站是XXX吗, 在YYY之前还是之后? 超市买东西的时候 Sir, you know where the chicken is? 请问你知道鸡在哪吗? Can you help to me get XXX, it is too high for me to get. 你能帮我拿下那个吗, 太高了我碰不到 Can I get two ten dollars instead of the twenty dollars? 你能给我2张10块来代替这一张20块吗? Can I get another bag, it does not look very safe? 我能再加个袋子吗, 这样看上去挺危险的 Sorry man, have you finished using this trolley? 对不起, 我能用这部推车了吗? 饭店的时候 Hello, table for two! 你好,我们要张2个人的桌子 e, any recommendations?? 点菜时不知道点什么 可以说有建议吗? Just keep on menu in case I want to order again 请留一份菜单, 万一我又想点菜了. Hello, to be here or take away? 这是服务员问你的, 问你是是堂吃还是打包 Sorry, I m allergic to chicken, so please notice your cook do not put chicken into any of our meals. 对不起我对肌肉过敏,所以请你们厨师不要在我们点的菜里放鸡肉 Can I get some tomato sause? 我能要点番茄酱吗 Hello sir, what do you want for your steak, rare, medium or fully cooked? 这也是人家问你的, 你的牛排需要几分熟, 3分 5分 10分? Excuse me, I have been waiting for a long time, can you ask them to be quick? 我已经等了很长时间, 你能催下吗 Can I get another new plate (forks) (Knifes)?我能换一个新盘子(叉子) (刀)吗? Hello, you know where the restroom is? 你知道厕所在哪里吗? 我现在就在国外居住, 以上是我常常碰到的情况希望对你有帮助。



